Friday, May 6, 2016

Thursday Thursday Thursday!

We started the day with a doctor's appointment for Eric.  He needed to get an ultrasound of his liver.  As tests go it's not a bad test to have.  No idea when we will get the results.

Afterward we went to breakfast at Jimmy's Egg in The Colony since it's practically right across the street. 

Eric was hungry since he had to fast before his test. I decided not to be a grown-up and have chocolate milk and chocolate chip pancakes.

My breakfast date sure was cute!

Afterward we came home just to relax.  I tried to get some Facebook time in but "someone" (*cough*Natasha*cough) had other plans.

I gave in to the Kitty's will.  How can you resist that face?

Got an afternoon Facetime call from Emilee while she was on campus.  I thought it was weird she was Facetiming me and not just calling. 
That's when she told me she COULDN'T call.  She tried and just got a weird message to leave a name on Google.  Huh?  Good thing I have live-in tech support.  Eric tried to chat with online tech support at Verizon to get it fixed but they weren't any help at all.  I had to laugh when they suggested he call Apple Tech Support.  Um...

Eric ended up taking it to the Verizon store in the evening while I took Quinn to an appointment. Someone hacked my phone number.  Not cool.  All I could think of was how many places I'd have to change my number if they couldn't get it fixed.  Thankfully they did.

Came home to find out the Rangers were losing-badly.  It ended up being 11-1 Toronto.  Not a great evening for baseball.

But not a bad Thursday by any means.

Friday was a day to rest.  We've been running around too much.  I did call my mom (hi mom!) and finally got ahold of Aunt Susie (haven't talked to her in weeks.  I'm not very good about calling.  I may be the only woman on the planet who hates talking on the phone.)

And that was our crazy day(s).

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