Sunday, May 22, 2016

Saturday 5/21 Eric and I took the boys to their swim lesson.  Their favorite instructor, James, wasn't there.  He has pneumonia. :(  They only have one lesson left.

Emilee worked on her secret project.  Details coming soon!

I don't know about you, but laying on a box of Legos doesn't seem comfortable to me.  Gette thought otherwise.

We sold our Pacifica.  It was a good car to us but it was time for it to go.  It felt good to know it was going to a Grandmother buying it for her grandkids, who were having their first baby (yes, they knew it needed a transmission).

I got my Smuggler's Bounty Box. IG-88! And the awesome Boba Fett.  I was so excited!!

 My collection is coming along nicely.  Eric is the only one who can reach the top row.  Pretty soon he'll need to climb on a chair too!

Hannah Mae had her orchestra awards banquet.  She got a violin pin for her first year in high school orchestra, and a ribbon for getting a one on her solo.

Here she is with her "squad."

Please welcome my new "brother" Buddy.  My parents adopted him this weekend.  Isn't he the cutest?

The big news for Sunday 5/22 is that Emilee was baptised.  This makes me one happy Momma.

Afterward the whole church prayed over her.

A picture of the family and Pastor Justin.

 Emilee and Pastor Justin.

 The angels were surely singing.

And that was our crazy day!

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