Friday, May 20, 2016

This week has been pretty busy, so much that the days kind of all blended together.  I'll do my best to remember, though.

 Wednesday , May 11 Eric and I did some car shopping.  We didn't see anything memorable.  Emilee watched the boys for us and made them dinner.  She made them "homemade Chinese."  They really liked it.

When we got home Drayke and I goofed off a bit.

Thursday May 12th Eric and his dad went shopping.  They ended up finding the car we would buy.

Friday May 13 (Whoo Friday the 13th!) Ryker had a doctor's appointment.  It was just a check up.  I wasn't feeling well so I didn't make it.  Of course by now you all know this means Steak & Shake.  Eric sent me a picture of his lunch companion.

He ate his lunch so fast that he asked Eric if he could have the rest of his!

I was feeling better by the afternoon so we went out and got a "new to us" car.  It's a 2011 Dodge Journey (all 7 of us fit in it) with 40,000 miles.  Here's the new vehicle.

The weekend was pretty uneventful.  Here's a few pictures of the kids

Ryker with Finn

No idea what this face is about.

The boys pretending they like each other! (No, they really do!)

Clowning around with Ryker

Here's the status of my face.

New Pop! to add to my collections.  It's a Walgreen's exclusive.

Monday May 16 Hannah Mae had an appointment for an asthma checkup.  It was good news.  We are going to try to wean her off some of her medications!

Mondays are the day HM and I go out just the two of us.  She asked to go to CVS and get sour candy.

Tuesday the 17th my friend Jody was in from Michigan.  We all went to Babe's.  It was the first time she met Hannah Mae, Quinn, Emilee and Eric.

I think Natasha wanted some attention.

Wednesdays are the day Quinn and I spend some time together.  The 18th we made this weighted blanket for her. I think she likes it!

Thursday the 19th Emilee and I spent with Jody.  Here we are at the Dallas Museum of Art.

I say my first Monet!

Here's some more of the unusual pieces we saw:

Um, this is another thing they had on display.  A beanbag chair.  Seriously.

We finished our visit with a trip to Emilee's favorite pizza place, Campisi's.

That evening HM and Quinn had appointments.

Which brings us to today, May 20th.   Ryker's had his ARD this morning and all is going well.  He has made amazing progress in reading.  Then we took Eric to his appointment.  It was bad news.  He will never get feeling back in his feet and hands. :(  He has one more month to try some new medications and if everything isn't improving they are sending him to a specialist.

Found this exclusive Walgreen's figure on the way home.

And we saw the Weinermobile today!

And that catches everyone up.  Tomorrow the boys have swim class with their favorite instructor and I'm hoping it goes well. Cross your fingers!

And that was our crazy day.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED meeting Quinn, Hannah Mae & Emilee! Your family is so warm and welcoming, and so much fun!

    So sorry to hear about Eric, though. I hope that the new meds work.

    Thanks for making the time to see me while I was there. Honestly, being with you guys was the highlight of my trip! :) <3
