Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Sorry it's been a few days.  I broke my face.  No, seriously, I broke my face.  But we'll get to that in a little bit.

Last I left off it was Mother's Day morning, Sunday May 10, 2016.  The kids surprised me with gifts.

I got some new Pop! figures I'd been wanting. Yes, I'm a Stormtrooper gal. My collection is coming along nicely.

Ryker pulled up next to me for a while and read one of his comic books.

Then it was time to go to the baseball game. We love going to see the Frisco Roughriders play (Thank you Mimi for the tickets!).  We start off with dinner in the JC Penney club. The kids had their own table cuz they're cool like that.

After dinner we always go down to the InTouch Grille and have ice cream.  Ryker decided he was going to ditch us and sit with Mr. Ed.  He has never done this before. Mr. Ed is the very nice gentleman who sits in the row in front of us at Roughrider games.  He has two season tickets but only sits in the one on the aisle (he likes having no one next to him or the extra seat if his daughter can make the game.  We've never met her.).   Ryker apparently decided Mr. Ed had had enough time on his own.  How I wish I could have read Ryker's thoughts to know what clicked in his mind to tell him Mr. Ed needed company tonight.  Drayke followed his brother's lead and sat with Mr. Ed as well.  What sweet boys!  They were perfectly behaved and seemed to have a good conversation with Mr. Ed.  No idea what they were talking about but they were engrossed in the conversation and Mr. Ed seemed to enjoy himself as well.

The girls were at my table:

Our bellies full, after I stopped to sign up for the Diamond Dig (bad decision), it was time to find our seats.  We weren't in our normal section this time but the seats weren't bad at all.
This cute guy sat next to me and the kids were in the row behind us.
I wore the tee shirt Emmy and Hannah Mae got me for Mother's day a few weeks ago.

After a few innings we saw that no one was in our regular row so we moved.  Here's Mr. Ed in his normal seat (and you can see how close we normally are to the field).

Added benefit to being closer to the field, we were all in one row so I got to sit next to Drayke too!

I noticed how Ryker was playing close attention to the game this time. He was really focused!

Even Quinn was having a good time (which sometimes she doesn't because she gets overwhelmed by crowds and loud noises).  Hmm, let's see if I can figure out how to add video to the blog.

Woot!  I think I figured it out!

Eric and I snuck off to the gift shop and got I myself this tee shirt.  Seriously, this is me; Star Wars and baseball.  What more could you want?

Emmy decided to text me funny pictures.  This was just one set of them:

At the top of the ninth inning they chose 20 moms to take place in the Diamond Dig and I was one of them.  How I wish I had just kept watching the game.

The Diamond Dig is the Roughriders' Mother's Day promotion.  Ten moms line up on each baseline and run for a big pile of dirt.  If you find the buried plastic diamond, you win a $1750 diamond necklace.  I didn't really care one way or another about the jewelry but felt I probably should participate, since two years ago Eric got picked to do a hula competition (complete with grass skirt and coconut shell bra) at a game and it actually got televised.  I think his dad may still have the performance on Tivo.

I don't really know what went wrong.  I remember running.  Then I remember my head smacking the ground.  I don't remember ANYTHING until the medic was shining a light in my eyes at the first aid station asking me if I knew what holiday it was (I didn't).

Someone walked me through the stands to first aid and I have absolutely no memory of it. That's scary.  Best guess is I "lost" about 15 minutes of my life. I was taken by ambulance to Centennial hospital's emergency room.  Eric rode in the front of the ambulance, Emmy took all the kids home and my FIL met us at the ER.  Here I am waiting for a scan:
 And after they glued my forehead shut:

I made sure I texted my Mom (hi Mom!) to tell her where I was and what was up, and then they took me for a CT scan. I really didn't expect anything to be wrong.  I couldn't believe it when the doctor came back to tell me I broke my face.  You can see here on the scan (the right side of the picture, which is actually my left eye) how I fractured the bottom of my eye socket:
He wrote me a prescription for pain medication and a muscle relaxer and sent us on our way with a recommendation to see a facial surgeon on Tuesday.  Too bad none of the pharmacies were open.  It was a long night but I made it through.

New most embarrassing moment.

Monday 5/9/2016 nothing much happened except I got my prescriptions filled. Oh and Emilee's/Eric's car died.  The transmission is toast.

Which brings us to today.

We had an early morning start as Drayke had a Doctor's appointment.  He was officially diagnosed with ADHD, which is honestly no surprise to us. Now that he has an official diagnosis they can add goals and accomodations for ADHD at school.

We went to the bank and then out to lunch at Steak 'n Shake, which of course Drayke reminded us is tradition when one of the boys has a doctor's appointment.  Cue the paper hat, cardboard car, and mayhem.

After lunch we stopped at a few auto shops to ask about fixing the Pacifica's transmission and were quoted $3500 to $5000 for the repair.  That's more than the car is worth (and to add insult to injury we just paid $1000 last month for a different repair).

Then to the pharmacy to drop off Drayke's prescription, home for half an hour and it was time to get Ryker from school.  Drayke used the wait time in the car pickup line to watch Star Wars VII.

On the drive to swim Drayke was in a great mood.
(Woot another video.  I'm getting the hang of this I think!)

Here we are at swim.  I decided to take more pictures of the facilities.  The changing rooms:

 This cool bathing suit spinner/dryer that I never noticed before (it works great)

Ryker's name on this month's birthday board

and the observation area.

Here are the boys doing their thing in class.  They weren't as enthusiastic as they were last time but they did do what they were asked.  We were told at report that they also informed their instructor that they don't like swim class.

 Then back to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription and get the boys a snack, home to meet Quinn's bus, and to Lone Star High School to get Hannah Mae.

Are you tired yet?  I am!

Which brings us to the evening and blog time.  Tomorrow's schedule includes car shopping (double ugh).  Eric wants to find a vehicle with third row seating that is not a minivan so our options are limited.  I am trying to talk him into a red jag and I'm sure you can guess how well he likes that idea!

And that was our crazy day.

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