Monday, May 30, 2016

This was one of those weeks where it was busy but it didn't feel like we did anything in particular.
It was filled with running around to our normal meetings, appointments, classes, etc.

I guess first I should update my Pops collection.  After an appointment in another town Eric and I decided to check out the Gamestop and Barnes and Noble for their items.  People must not collect Pops in this town because we found a lot we didn't have already! (I'm saying "we" now because I just have to face the fact this has become Eric's collection too.

We were also able to grab a Walgreen's exclusive.

Here's the status of the collection. I don't think we can collect any more, there's no more room!
We did decide that it was probably time to take a break for a while unless we find more exclusives.

 There was also cat cuddling this week of course.  Mister doesn't normally come into our room but he did this week for some reason.  Mister is a quieter, more reserved cat. He decided he needed some cuddles too!

Hannah Mae told me my dress looked like the internet exploded and I was inside the Matrix.  I guess that was a pretty good description.

Natasha didn't seem to mind, though.

We save our boxes for the cats to play in.  Eric thought these three boxes looked like Olympic podiums for first second and third place.  He put them at the end of our bed and waited ALL DAY to see if we could actually get three to climb on the boxes at once.  Finally, late at night, success!

We heard about the status of Quinn's service dog this week.  They have identified a breeder, who has a litter of 8 week old puppies right now!  I have been talking with her online and she is AH MAY ZING.  They should be going home soon as I know the first one went to her new home last night.  Squee!  Quinn is so excited.  She was kinda bummed one she had her eye on was the one the sire's family selected as pick of the litter, but I think she just had her eye on that one because it was the only brown one and easier to pick out in a pile of puppies.  The rest are black and white.  I told her the black and white ones are better for a Harlequin anyway (She wants to name the dog Harley and her name is Quinn).  So we will see what happens next.  We are supposed to get a call from the foundation next week.
 The boys had their final swim class.  I think, other than not getting a special snack at the grocery store anymore, they were ready for it to be over. 

Draykey was busy making faces and Ryker was playing with a drain.  Oy.

The big news for this week was that Ryker's birthday was on Sunday. I can't believe he's 9 now!  Where is the time going?  In the morning we had church and a picnic, and in the afternoon had Mimi and Papa over for cake and ice cream.  Ryker was amazed that you can actually have chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream ALL TOGETHER!

I did manage to get my feet bitten by a bunch of fire ants at the picnic.  Ouch.  You can see some of the blisters.

Today is Memorial Day but we aren't doing anything special. Emmy and Eric are off gaming.  I'm hanging out with the other kids.  More baseball tonight! Woot!  Just on TV but I'll take it.  While everyone is out at the lake imbibing here's what I'm chugging this holiday.

And those were our crazy days.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Saturday 5/21 Eric and I took the boys to their swim lesson.  Their favorite instructor, James, wasn't there.  He has pneumonia. :(  They only have one lesson left.

Emilee worked on her secret project.  Details coming soon!

I don't know about you, but laying on a box of Legos doesn't seem comfortable to me.  Gette thought otherwise.

We sold our Pacifica.  It was a good car to us but it was time for it to go.  It felt good to know it was going to a Grandmother buying it for her grandkids, who were having their first baby (yes, they knew it needed a transmission).

I got my Smuggler's Bounty Box. IG-88! And the awesome Boba Fett.  I was so excited!!

 My collection is coming along nicely.  Eric is the only one who can reach the top row.  Pretty soon he'll need to climb on a chair too!

Hannah Mae had her orchestra awards banquet.  She got a violin pin for her first year in high school orchestra, and a ribbon for getting a one on her solo.

Here she is with her "squad."

Please welcome my new "brother" Buddy.  My parents adopted him this weekend.  Isn't he the cutest?

The big news for Sunday 5/22 is that Emilee was baptised.  This makes me one happy Momma.

Afterward the whole church prayed over her.

A picture of the family and Pastor Justin.

 Emilee and Pastor Justin.

 The angels were surely singing.

And that was our crazy day!

Friday, May 20, 2016

This week has been pretty busy, so much that the days kind of all blended together.  I'll do my best to remember, though.

 Wednesday , May 11 Eric and I did some car shopping.  We didn't see anything memorable.  Emilee watched the boys for us and made them dinner.  She made them "homemade Chinese."  They really liked it.

When we got home Drayke and I goofed off a bit.

Thursday May 12th Eric and his dad went shopping.  They ended up finding the car we would buy.

Friday May 13 (Whoo Friday the 13th!) Ryker had a doctor's appointment.  It was just a check up.  I wasn't feeling well so I didn't make it.  Of course by now you all know this means Steak & Shake.  Eric sent me a picture of his lunch companion.

He ate his lunch so fast that he asked Eric if he could have the rest of his!

I was feeling better by the afternoon so we went out and got a "new to us" car.  It's a 2011 Dodge Journey (all 7 of us fit in it) with 40,000 miles.  Here's the new vehicle.

The weekend was pretty uneventful.  Here's a few pictures of the kids

Ryker with Finn

No idea what this face is about.

The boys pretending they like each other! (No, they really do!)

Clowning around with Ryker

Here's the status of my face.

New Pop! to add to my collections.  It's a Walgreen's exclusive.

Monday May 16 Hannah Mae had an appointment for an asthma checkup.  It was good news.  We are going to try to wean her off some of her medications!

Mondays are the day HM and I go out just the two of us.  She asked to go to CVS and get sour candy.

Tuesday the 17th my friend Jody was in from Michigan.  We all went to Babe's.  It was the first time she met Hannah Mae, Quinn, Emilee and Eric.

I think Natasha wanted some attention.

Wednesdays are the day Quinn and I spend some time together.  The 18th we made this weighted blanket for her. I think she likes it!

Thursday the 19th Emilee and I spent with Jody.  Here we are at the Dallas Museum of Art.

I say my first Monet!

Here's some more of the unusual pieces we saw:

Um, this is another thing they had on display.  A beanbag chair.  Seriously.

We finished our visit with a trip to Emilee's favorite pizza place, Campisi's.

That evening HM and Quinn had appointments.

Which brings us to today, May 20th.   Ryker's had his ARD this morning and all is going well.  He has made amazing progress in reading.  Then we took Eric to his appointment.  It was bad news.  He will never get feeling back in his feet and hands. :(  He has one more month to try some new medications and if everything isn't improving they are sending him to a specialist.

Found this exclusive Walgreen's figure on the way home.

And we saw the Weinermobile today!

And that catches everyone up.  Tomorrow the boys have swim class with their favorite instructor and I'm hoping it goes well. Cross your fingers!

And that was our crazy day.