Sunday, June 12, 2016

Wow, I really need to get better about updating this blog.  Here is what happened in the last week.

Hannah Mae, Emilee and I volunteered to pick up and transport dog food for the Dogs of Hilltown rescue.  Look how full the van is!  There was one other vehicle just as full.  That's a lot of happy puppy bellies!

We went swimming as a family.  I don't remember the last time Quinn went swimming- and she was happy!  The boys found a friend to play with and were putting their heads under the water.  Yes, even Drayke.  LOL Nothing like peer pressure!

I somehow convinced Hannah Mae, Ryker and Drayke that weeding was fun!  They didn't get it all done but did manage to do a big chunk of it.  Can't complain since the help was free.

 Emilee got her business up and running. Isn't the necklace cute?  You can find her on Facebook at her page Emilee Mason Creations.

 Just a random pic from a doctor's appointment this week. I just thought Quinn looked cute (and happy).

Eric's 40th birthday was on Friday.  We had 40 candles on the cheesecake but we couldn't light them all!  The first ones were melting wax all over it before they were halfway lit.

I surprised Eric and took him out to the movies on his birthday.  I never get to surprise him (he always knows when I'm up to something) so that in itself is amazing.  We went and saw Warcraft.  The action scenes were great, and I loved that you saw so many locations and creatures that were in the game, but the movie as a whole was horrible.  I mean laugh out loud horrible, particularly the dialogue.  But we had a good time.

Saturday Quinn and I volunteered at a Dogs of Hilltown adoption event.  Quinn helped walk and water the dogs.  She did REALLY well.  Having the dogs to focus on really helped with her people anxiety.

She even picked up a little something for her future service dog.

Saturday (don't faint) Eric and I actually got another date out.  We went to a Frisco Roughriders baseball game.  Shin Soo Choo was rehabbing but his performance was just so-so.

I also managed to surprise Eric again. Yep, I did.  Happy 40th Eric!

And those were our crazy days.

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